What comes to your mind when you think of laughter? Maybe you think of a person you know who has a great laugh... Maybe you think of something that has made you laugh today.. Maybe you just think about how simply amazing it feels to laugh. Whether you giggle or snort, laughing is a universal sign of happiness exploding. In my life, laughter has been a way to cope, a way to celebrate and even a way to fall out of a chair! It's something that I have shared with so many people and all of them have shared with so many others. If ever you want to test how contagious laughing really is then do a youtube search for 'babies laughing' and try not to laugh. I'm positive that it's impossible to keep a straight face. Along with laughing, sharing laughter is an amazingly beautiful thing. I love capturing a good giggle in photographs!! This blog post is in celebration of our daily chuckles and in sharing them with those around us. Laughing everyday will keep your beauty shinning bright and your heart feeling good! The following True Beauties are Margo, Rachel, Alexis and Mollye, who I captured mid-laugh! MargoRachelAlexisMollyeP.S. Have you laughed today?
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For this blog post I want to try something a little bit different.
I love telling the stories of the people in my life that I have met along the way, and exploring the journeys they have been through. But, there is a future in store for me and all of these people that also needs exploring. Each and every one of us have an amazing opportunity every time we wake up in the morning. In everyday lies the possibility of something wonderful. Don't get me wrong, I know that everyday will not be perfect. I've definitely had plenty not-so-perfect days. The idea is that if we mentally remind ourselves of the possibilities we have then we can improve our lives and others on a daily basis. Many days go by where we wake up thinking about all the things we need to do. Maybe it's going to work or tackling that giant pile of laundry. Then the complaining happens, talking about how much we hate our job or how much we dislike chores. So easily do we lose track of just how lucky we are to have that job.. or to even have clothes that we are able to wash. Life can be tricky like that. This can also be said for how we treat each other. We may not always appreciate the people around us or take into consideration what others have faced in their lives. I honestly believe that a smile could change a life. That may sound extreme, but it stems from the idea that spreading positivity will in turn effect others in a positive way. For example, when you go to a restaurant how often do you see a waiter/waitress who you can tell is having a rough day? Those are the moments we should be using to try and make someone's day a little better rather than just let it pass us by. So, for this blog post I want to challenge you to make someone's day better. I'm talking about tomorrow and the days to follow. I'm suggesting that we make it a goal to do it more consistently in our lives. It can be as simple as a smile. If you do have a moment that you would like to share (from the past, present or a goal for the future) I would love to hear about it! Leave me a comment below :) In closing, I still want to share one of the True Beauty pictures that I've taken. I met this beautiful waitress a while back when eating at Johnny Rockets. I started ta her about my project and she told me that she wanted to be a part of it! I got her picture, but somehow did not get her name! I do plan on going back and finding out though. She told me that I brightened her day! What a great feeling! |
January 2017